26 November 2008


Yes. We did celebrate Halloween over here!
Hey, I'm only a month late...
We've been pretty lucky in our overseas assignments as far as Halloween is concerned - Monterrey celebrates Halloween just as we do in the States; we went trick-or-treating in our neighborhood and had school parties, etc. The international school here also had a fun Halloween Festival (costume parade, crafts, trick-or-treating) for families on Friday night that the kids really loved. Also, so many Americans live in my neighborhood that we had trick-or-treating around the circle and a party in the cul-de-sac on (much debated) Thursday. It's fun to be a kid! The kids loved the costumes their awesome Aunt Amy made for them :)

Ellie and Jeff with Sanja and Lara in the costume parade
defender of the faith

I've already found my hero

Proud of the Halloween centerpiece we made

Ellie and her "cool" pal Harry

Ummm... Okay, I'll admit it. We carved this AFTER Halloween!

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