30 September 2008

Two little monkeys swinging from the trees...

All of our windows have these crazy bars perfect for climbing. If death is in mind.

Yes. I let my daughter play outside in her unders. Nac is never very far from my heart.

The original


The Giles said...

That's great!

Wanted to let you know I posted a wheat bread recipe on my blog that I really like. I'm still experimenting with more recipes, but I like this one.

Azure said...

Those are some crazy windows!! Fun for the kids though. That's awesome that Ellie was hanging out in her underwear. I'm sure all of our kids have done that at least once.

triciarnorton said...

Oh how I miss you! How is the local cuisine? Have you been to any restaurants? I love the window dressings!

Stamp With Linz said...

Wow- cool designs! :)
Love the "Nac" comment, that was a laugh out loud moment for me.
Hope all is well...miss you guys!