30 December 2008


I love Christmas. I was spoon fed from a tender age the truth that Christmas is a time of incomparable joy and fun. My clearest childhood memories are of decorating our tree, piling in the car for a Christmas light tour of nearby neighborhoods, learning the subtle art of ribbon tying, eating at Ward dinners, listening to Johnny Mathis and the Carpenters, the debilitating excitement I felt on Christmas Eve and, of course, reading and receiving for myself the greatest gift ever given - that of a Savior born in Bethlehem.

This Christmas lived up to my every hope. I loved so much having my wonderful brother come and celebrate with us, loved seeing my children play with him and look at him as an uncle worthy of hero worship (he is!). I loved seeing my children play out the nativity, reading scriptures and singing songs of hope and peace (I was especially proud to accompany us on the piano). When I was 19 and in St Petersburg, I was walking home with some friends late one night and talking about life the way only 19 year olds can. It started to snow and I felt overwhelmingly that I should receive the beauty and peace of that falling snow as a gift from the Lord - to remind me that He knows me and is with me. It started snowing for me on Christmas Day. How grateful I am for simple gifts that touch and change the very heart of me. Merry Christmas!

Our beautiful Ellie ballerina danced around the house all morning

Santa leaves us a note after narrowly escaping the "trap" we set to catch him. We finally decided on a cargo net with a dental floss trigger attached to the ceiling after discussing several plans including melted popsicles, a yarn web and, my personal favorite, the one where Alex would jump out onto Santa's back for a take down. He was so quick he managed to evade us AND snarf down a plate of cookies!

Adventure awaits

our traditional Christmas morning breakfast
Jeff and Kev burn the midnight oil to put together Ellie's kitchen. Kevin is now invited to our house every Christmas Eve...
the best boys

Carli's favorite Christmas present - it started snowing at about 10:30 Christmas Day!

cutie Newtie Jeff helps me make Christmas breakfast


Stamp With Linz said...

Love it. So glad your Christmas was joy-filled. :)

Kimi said...

Looks like so much fun! You make Christmas so much fun, Carli! Glad to see Kev got in on the Santa trapping. :) Thanks for keeping in touch! Wishes for a safe and happy new year!

Miranda said...

What a beautiful Christmas! How awesome that Kevin could be with you. Your kids are too cute!

Azure said...

Looks like you guys had a fun Christmas Day!!! Looking at those cinnamon rolls is making my mouth water!!

Our family said...

Looks like Christmas was a fun success! Wonderful that your brother was there! I miss you!