A five year old?! This birthday is a big one for me because it marks both an ending and a beginning; an end to babyhood and the beginning of manhood. I know it's a long journey to manhood, but he takes a first big step as he moves out of mom's nest and into the big world of kindergarten this year. My life is about to change, my days spent without his constant companionship, and I can't help but be so grateful for this time I have had to be an at home Mom to my wonderful boy. He is an example to me. On a recent Sunday morning, he asked, "Is it Sunday?" Jeff answered that it was and he said, "Well, on Sunday I am going to make lots of good choices. " And then he lived his word and tried hard all day to be so gentle and patient with his sister. He is love undiluted. He says, "Mom, you're my best cutest Mom." And he hugs us and helps us and tells us jokes. My life is richer and fuller because of him.
We went to tons of Alex's friends' birthday parties in Mexico and he asked for one each birthday there. We said no. Mostly because birthday parties there are HUGE events: rented halls, a professional show, guest lists in the 50ies and 60ies, gift bags worth more that the gifts we usually bought, pinatas, dinner for the whole family... No way was I going to shell out $2,000 for a 3 or 4 year old's party. So I told him he'd have on in DC. We were going to play T-ball at the park, but we got rained out and ended up using the conference room in our apartment complex. The kids still had a blast and Alex was in heaven. Of course, I FORGOT THE CAMERA!! The kids especially had fun knocking down the pinata! The last picture is of Ellie using Alex's bug vacuum (gift from grammie) as a blow dryer. Too cute!
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